standing naked
Published Thursday, January 13, 2011 by jodi renee | E-mail this post

I pass by this daily. Watching this barn-like structure once just a frame...fill in.
I kinda liked that you could see right through it.
That was what
drew me to it.
Beautiful in all it's empty nakedness.
We hide so much from the world, from the people around us...from life.
(now obviously you're not going to stand naked, by this barn here, in front of the cold. Cuz I'll mention that it was like minus 7...that's like minus 50 with the windshield and I was pulled over on the side of the road ...just rewind for a second and make note that I spelled 'windchill' like 'windshield' ...hmmm..) Now I've completely lost my train of thought.
Tangent. Windshield...don't shield! In fact, stand naked if you dare! or maybe just allow some of your 'stuff' unravel...
We are perfect. The STUFF is what WE hide
Remove the layers.
The shit and messy so-called imperfections are what make us beautiful, vulnerable.
When I can see through you...we connect
Cuz it's real.
This barn-like structure will never have the same allure for me as it did when I could see right through it...I feel sad that it's covered and smile knowing that I saw it naked ...
stay warm! ...xo
jodi renée
*pictures takin with my Blackberry TorchLabels: blackberry, family art, inspiration, Kitchener, landscapes, mobile, personal, winter