Looking for calm and cool...I found chaos.
Brilliant, magical and creative chaos.
It shows up as an old house full of LIFE. A place where there are no boundaries, control and possibility is unlimited.
I had a freakin migraine and your first impulse of thinking is like 'oh god'...I'm doomed.
Until you meet Abby, 8 months old and sitting in the MIDDLE OF CHAOS, unscathed.
Two barking (I'm going to add crazy in brackets here) border collies unsure of what to make of one another. We might have a total of nine kids, two which belong to the neighbour. There is a
plasma car whirring by what seems like every 2 minutes...."watch the baby!"
Buddha Abby is happier than a clam.
Between running upstairs and dancing downstairs ....crawling on the kitchen floor. Cupcakes, home-made chicken soup, fighting over each other, making music, making friends.
An escape to one of the five rooms for some 'peace and quiet' is like using a mega-phone that says...FOLLOW ME! and bring the noisemakers, the symbols...bring all your annoying and soundly toys! Maybe if I check out
twilight turtle in the closet.......peace? At least the stars are nice...
Or maybe I'll just play with the baby on the bed...Passing by what looks like remnants of a bee.......a lone shell of a bee suit. I wonder if the bee perished amongst all this madness.
I am tolerating the migraine. I'm in the centre of life. Does it get any better than this?
Fits of giggles. Tantrums. And a Maggie run-way wanna be that is turning around new dresses with odd pairs of socks like a seasonal trend that is every 20 minutes.
The wheels of dreaming and imagination are free to turn...
When you surrender to rainbow sprinkles on the floor.
When you allow each room to create a life of it's own by letting it's members PLAY...
Giant dollhouses...a map of the world as wallpaper. Tacky...or genius?
Let the little people BE. (especially wearing the bee costume)
I can only imagine having lived with full freedom like this.
Our rules needn't be jail cells for our children souls.
It's imperative that we nourish their sense of play, wonderment and exploration of all things.
Their authenticity depends on it.
Plenty of time to clean up, as they grow up. Move out.
What was once full of spirit, will soon only contain things.
And you'll miss the chaos...that was LIFE.
loving the wonderful, healing, inspiring families of Rochester, New York
(you know who you are!)
I'd do it all over again...WITH the migraine, in the blizzard...(thank God for 80's tune on the 1-90!!!)
chaotic love,
jodi renée xo
I'd totally rock that bee suit if it was my size...
Labels: babies, family, friends, kids, life, lifestyle, New York, rochester