The places I end up...
That I'm not even aware ...there was a path. That would lead me...somewhere.
And the beauty of opening yourself up to just going with the flow? Life wants to take you for a ride and it's usually more thrilling than the one you dreamed for yourself.
South Carolina. Not on my 'to-go' list...
Charleston? where?
And an opportunity presented itself on my birthday weekend that just 'worked'...
Sooooo WHY when things 'work' do I often just stand. Like a bull.
With no matador.
NO hot, tight-panted Spanish matador waving a red flag.
Well maybe there is a flag, I'm just not moving. Ok and the flag can't just hover so whoo! Matador!
So I really am a 'bull'...head. The flag is supposed to get you to move! GO! ...and I stand there. Seriously. More like a strolling bull towards the flag. And that's a great pace...
Just not an event that most would pay tickets for.
And it's not the 'event' per say. It's not about getting THERE. It's about GETTING there...
The ride. The rip roar, by the seat of your pants, totally surrender to the journey.
Matador in the drivers seat for the best road trip. Shrimp the size of your head.
I'm sorry America but y'all are really gluttonous! I battled the bulge the day before my birthday trying to get out of
Cypress. Bursting, on courses and courses of the most delicious food ever (thank god for the waistline-less dress...aka poncho. Like an elegant poncho. Did I even just say that? ....poncho and elegant are not even allowed on the same page let alone in the same paragraph)
I had a really nice black dress on...soooo not a poncho.
Erase the poncho visual.
Moving forward...
A week-end full of amazing people, amazing food. Lots of food. Copious amounts of food. My god the serving sizes (insert 50 lunges and 200 ab crunches here).
Sometimes fear is a great thing.
And often times fear is just you....standing in the way of...well...you.
It's crazy how we come into this world of unlimited possibilities. Just the creation of US that we're here and surrounded by SO much - unbelievably amazing. Our hearts beat, we're sheltered, have jobs (even ones that we loath still pay the bills!) rooftops, tabletops...fresh air and food. Extra large jumbo shrimp battered in coconut at the marina grill in South Carolina on your birthday.
33 candles in a chocolate cake and a belief that says I can't tell you what I wish for however I create my own rules and mine says..."tell the world what you wished for and it'll come true"
this was my birthday wish...
for me, the people around me...friends, families...strangers...
The world.
More love for who you are and what you have. More love for the miracles that happen EVERY DAY...that go unnoticed.
I still have more photos to post however I kept gravitating to the one I posted above.
The beach and water for me represent ...everything. Possibility. Freedom. Beauty.
Nature doesn't lie. Perhaps why we all feel connected near the water, in the mountains...
It does what it does...without force. Without standing in its way. It goes with the flow. Clearing your mind of...EVERYTHING.
If we could only surrender to life the way we surrender at the ocean...
Waves and tide, in and out. Like the breath.
Natural. So easy. Effortless.
Sometimes leaving a wake of shells...or a crazy, beautiful corrugated pattern of...beauty.
And always leaving something.
Experience, a journey...
...maybe just jumbo shrimp tails.
jodi renée

Labels: beach, inspiration, landscapes, my birthday wish, personal, south caroline