Published Monday, January 22, 2007 by jodi renee.
Two celebrations actually! First of all, I was honoured AND flattered when Lori contacted me about shooting her and her girls for her own celebration...As a women, Lori is someone I completely admire...a mother who IS the role model, friend and inspiration to 3 VERY beautiful and intelligent girls. Her confidence and strength only amplify her beauty...I've no doubt the new journey for all these ladies will be filled with fun, love, laughter and much success!

*offer expires after Jan.22, 2007; not applicable to weddings; kids, babies; lifestyle ONLY. Contact me for complete details.
Labels: lifestyle
Published Sunday, January 14, 2007 by jodi renee.
This post truly means alot to me because working with these guys, the meaning behind their session and the feedback after the session was incredible (to say the least)...
Natalie approached me before Christmas as she had seen my work and wanted me to come by to take photos of her, her sister and brother as a gift to her parents from all of them for Christmas. They were quite sneaky and very excited...and I had so much fun with these three that the session produced some of my favourite shots! As you'll see, it would be VERY hard to get a bad photo of any one of them...they are beautiful (very charming AND very intelligent)! They were thrilled with the outcome and after Christmas I received 3 very touching emails. Two from their family out west...and one from their mother...I can't thank this family enough for really confirming my love for what I do. When a client takes the time to share these photos (online) and then these same people take time out of their lives to share with
me the meaning of these photos...well...I'm speechless. To be able to capture moments - beyond the really capture the essence of someone - this is what I aim to do...I cannot express the sheer joy knowing that people are smiling and remembering, are hearing and laughing through my photos...

Labels: lifestyle
Published Wednesday, January 03, 2007 by jodi renee.
Thought I'd start to post some client feedback along with my photos...It's so nice to work with such amazing people - it's even better when clients are so excited about the session AND photos ...I certainly welcome such incredible feedback! Thanks Karen! I think I captured these two have a beautiful family - two kids to be proud of! (look out NHL!) :)
After receiving some of Jodi's photos from a friend, I immediately knew I wanted her to capture our family that way. I have to admit though, after Jodi left that day, I had no idea how those pictures were going to turn out. I had pretty high expectations after seeing her other work, and I wasn't sure that our family had provided Jodi with the subjects she needed. Wow, was I ever wrong. I almost cried when I viewed the proofs for the first time. Jodi's photos are as much about her ability to see the photo as they are about the subject. Her shots of the kids in particular are incredible. Our family is thrilled with Jodi's pictures, and I would certainly recommend her to anyone. ~ K.B
Published by jodi renee.
I can't believe another year has come and gone! It's amazing at what can happen in a year...launching my website, a trip to New York...meeting and connecting with so many fabulous people - it's incredible and I'm truly thankful for eveyone that's supported me and continues to support me! The feedback has been incredible to say the least...and I'm so excited for 2007! Lots to see and so much to share - so you'll have to check back often!
See you soon!
xoxoxo Jodi
(and yes...I'm still posting from 2006! I can't keep up!)