Published Monday, May 30, 2011 by jodi renee.









Can you believe this is all the same sunset!? I don't think there's another place in the world where one sunset changes drastically with each passing minute...more breath taking then the next. Obviously a few of these have my artistic spin on them making them radically different from the others, however for the most part not one frame was like the other while I was shooting.
I need help choosing some art for myself and would love your feedback! I'm an ocean gal at heart and if the closest I can get right now is surrounding myself with the visual ...amen! Which ones are your favourites?
Let me know by leaving me a comment on
Facebook! I've left a number on the left 'underneath' the images! thanks!
jodi renée
Labels: art, inspiration, landscapes, maui, ocean
Published by jodi renee.











I'm literally drowning in my options here (yes I'm biased!) ...I LOVE LOVE so many of these pics that I created while in South Carolina for my birthday.
I need your help again! I have a vision for an idea of a very large 'water' piece (thus the appropriateness of the above pics!) ...I'm probably leaning towards a 30x40 or larger canvas. Looking for serenity, calm, inspiration and expansion. The water always makes me feel unbound...
Which images do you gravitate towards and why?
I'm so appreciative of any feedback you can give! Would love to hear from you on
Facebook! I've left a number on the left 'underneath' the image.
jodi renée
Labels: art, inspiration, isle of palms, landscapes, ocean, South Carolina
Published Thursday, May 26, 2011 by jodi renee.

earth couture: inspiration made of this earth. inspired by earthall things natural. earth's finest fashion Hair Styling & Wardrobe |Vince @ Teknik Salon & Spa
Location | Weddings In A Barn
Photos | jodi renéeModel: Amelie P.Staying creative requires us to keep on top of trends, experimenting all the time, thus creating our 'own' trends. Being artistically successful is birthing a brand that speaks the expression of our own heart and therefore attracts clients of the same. The expression that we speak, in whatever form that might be, is then aligned to move forward into the world...authentically.
Authenticity is not a competitive brand. It's real.And pretty damn powerful. All by it's creative self,it endures.Constantly reinventing itself.It's important to me to align with other creatives, professionals and a community that shares the same beliefs that I do. Standing out just by being
authentically themselves.
Relying on inside vision, fueled by passion, and a belief so strongly in what they do...more importantly WHY they do it.
With great ease, creativity then just flows from within.
I am a total lover of the 70's vintage, boho look especially with the organic and Au-natural upgrades. Recycled is the new black - so don't even bother asking where we got this 'one-wear-wunder'. This Couture had multi-use therefore minimal footprint make it a fan fav of our dear sweet 'Earth'.
Sometimes all you have to do is look in the box to find the next fashionable trend (that's a hint for all ye creative curi-osos!) AND in your own backyard.......or up a couple streets and down a few regional roads to your next fairytale 100 acres of farm paradise!
The model and location, paired with the hair and wardrobe = vision accomplished.
Simple, natural, yet high fashion.
jodi renée
What inspires you? and what creation manifests from this inspiration? Remember, we are all artists. Creating comes from a place within where imagination, emotion and passion all express themselves through you.
Form makes no difference.Leave any comments on my Facebook Fan Page! I would love to hear from you! Labels: couture, creative, fashion, style, Teknik Salon and Spa
Published Wednesday, May 25, 2011 by jodi renee.

I came across this poem by Hafiz and fell...
in love.
Image above was taken in the glorious maui last year...let me know if you want to see more...
I have some gems taken from this magical place. Another love of mine...
jodi renée
All The Hemispheres ... "Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out
Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.
Make a new water-mark on your excitement
And love.
Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.
Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.
Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.
All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stretching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of
Labels: Hafiz, inspiration, maui, poetry
Published Friday, May 20, 2011 by jodi renee.

White is the blank canvas that draws you in.
to take a closer look.
A frame of white creates a pristine, clean and contemporary gallery ...the perfect backdrop.
I love the minimal feel of the images above. An oversize print in a dining room that peels back to just eat and art. Don't be afraid to make two unique pieces the focal point in a room. They become beautiful just by their large and 'wow' factor - ironically simplicity being their nature.
Wood and white is an absolute fav of mine. White will lean to modern, while the wood keeps everything warm. Be open to the spaces that you would normally overlook. The staircase is a tiny space with an odd wall. We all have a few of these walls, and they are the perfect opportunity to create something with frames, words and images. Let yourself get really creative.
The last image: Organized and Unfinished Beauty.
With room to 'add' or possibly just leave 'unfinished' (notice that one framed image is missing near the end?)
I love this.
Shy away from the norm of completing everything. In it's unfinished-ness I find myself questioning -- and what a beautiful thing to be curious.
What beautiful and curious spaces are you creating?
happy long weekend
jodi renée xo
Labels: framing, ideas, inspiration, white
Published Monday, May 16, 2011 by jodi renee.
per·fect / lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
~ Leonard Cohen
A circle my friends, is complete. It's whole. Perfect.
On this journey through life so many of us our searching, striving...
We want to be perfect. Or give the illusion that we are, and that everything in our life is.
OR we short change ourselves by the following phrases:
"Nobody's perfect" "we can't all be perfect" "imperfectly perfect"...
Gut punch to the core, knock the wind right outta me.
I've been on that search all my life.
It's a soul battle that comes with many war wounds -- soul wounds.
And until you surrender, you will keep on fighting.
Battling you against the world. Battle of the Self...
Ultimately fighting for ...*you*
Always trying to 'fix' something or fill in the holes...
What if all along we've all been okay? I've been okay?
What if the search for perfect is so fucking uncomfortable because we already are...
The dissonance and dis-ease stemming from us against -- that which we already are.
Define perfect. Aren't we all different to begin with? Who's model, definition or idea are we
trying to live up too?
And no wonder it's so damned uncomfortable.
Give up apologizing and the striving...
don't excuse your so-called-flaws or where you are right now in life...
You have everything in you right now
to make anything happen in your life
you are perfect...
Mess and chaos are the bits that complete the 'whole' - you need it all.
Perhaps the discomfort is 'the hiding'...or chasing after something that ISN'T YOU
Because you're enough...
just as you are.
be radiantly, unapologetically...PERFECTLY you.
lots of love.
jodi renée
Labels: inspiration, perfect, snippets, words, writing
Published Saturday, May 14, 2011 by jodi renee.

Love the creative and indie inspired
Bobo Choses all the way from Barcelona.
Once upon a time there was a friendly clothing brand that spoke the language that the children speak...Labels: design, indie kids clothes, kids, kids apparel, kids clothing
Published Wednesday, May 11, 2011 by jodi renee.

He's like this little zen being of 'happy'.
This is his mantra while he smiles and stares at you.
In his red shoes.
Today...get excited about everything.
jodi renée xo