Hard. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Can't.
I started to listen. I mean really listen to the conversations I was having...the thoughts that would run through my head in certain circumstances, the WORDS that made up these 'thoughts'.
What we say (to ourselves and others) reveals who we are and what we believe.
Hard. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Can't. The thoughts, choice words of Olympic athletes? How about a CEO or a baby just learning how to walk?
Hmmmmmm...I'm thinking that a gold medal, success or even walking, not close to possible with these choice words/beliefs.
Is it any wonder then, that not only was I thinking these things...but FEELING them as well!
Using limiting words we set ourselves up...FOR limitation. We don't give our mind credit for how incredibly powerful it really is.
If hard becomes
can replaces can't and we see stress not as overwhelming but an
opportunity...doesn't that already FEEL better?
Marianne Williamson's "Return to Love" she references parenting and our ability to dramatically effect the experience of our children just by the WORDS we choose.
NO! and DON'T DO THAT! generate a feeling that one has done something wrong. TRY THIS...a guiding alternative to a new direction.
Shame and fear vs. encouragement. Which do you prefer?
When things are going are way, using empowering words is easy. A determining factor in success, greatness and achieving our dreams however is our ability to still use empowering words...even when times are tough.
The words we use and the results we get...powerful connection.
What kinds of conversations are you having? What words do you use?
Have you confined yourself to your own limitations?
Choose wisely :)