what the Greeen??? Super yummy smoothies and a GREAT way to feed your kids greens! HAPPY EARTH DAY!
Published Thursday, April 22, 2010 by jodi renee | E-mail this post

These "green" smoothies are a staple in my diet. Jam packed with anti-oxidants and super nutrients you can put as much or as little as you like! The key here is to use a variety of what Nature has given us. We often overlook the BEST greens in the grocery store just because they're 'foreign' and we have no clue how to use them! Sounds super skeptical when you see what goes into these green glasses of love but honestly, this is an unbelievable way to get super nutrients and greens into your kids (and they'll be begging for more!)
You need an awesome blender (sorry...the cheap ones won't do...)
1 cup of cold water
1 banana
2-3 handfuls of greens (baby spinach, KALE, or swiss chard...huh? yes! These are the SUPER greens!) and mixed with the banana and other fruit take the bitterness away! optional
*one apple cut up OR 1 cup of fruit (I like frozen blueberries but you can really use anything)
I also like to include the following supplements:
1 scoop of Vega Complete Whole Food (I don't eat a lot of protein in the form of Whey or meat so not only does Vega include my RDI of vitamins and nutrients, it's also a vegan alternative to protein! ...Berry flavour works well for smoothies) BIG fan of this product for so many more reasons. While I encourage getting all your nutrients from WHOLE foods unfortunately our foods aren't as nutrient dense as they once used to be, nor is our digestive system as functional for 'getting' these nutrients! By incorporating the 'right' supplements and perhaps adding these yummy smoothies, we can kick start ourselves (and the kids!) to great health. Enjoy! Contact me if you have any questions about ANY of this! ...in health xo
Greens are loaded with amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fibre and chlorophyll. By NOT cooking foods, we keep them 'alive' thus the enzymes are 'active' and do their work in our bodies by helping in the digestion process. Greens can be tremendously hard to break down unless chewed ...and chewed ...and chewed!!! We still want to EAT these greens but by adding these 'blended green smoothies' nutrients are quickly released as they're broken down in the blending process...and quickly put into action!
Labels: health, lifestyle, recipe, smoothies