nat + tobey | Oakville {LIFE} sessions
Published Thursday, April 08, 2010 by jodi renee | E-mail this post
Ridiculously challenging, but sooooo worth it! Love the dynamic that animals (especially dogs!) bring to a photo-shoot! With their own personality, lack of attention ...(what's more ridiculous I think is probably ME running around with my camera trying to get these frisky critters!) Tobey. AKA Tobelerone. His mamma and I quickly became *AMAZING* friends ...hmmm. Another benefit to this job o'mine. Such amazing people! Natalie's beautiful home and backyard was the perfect backdrop...don't you think? Hellloooo...Home & Style?
Sometimes kids aren't the only loves of our lives...and there is a new addition to their family! (who is probably a bit traumatized over the umm...artwork below). Bartley...don't you worry!
Nat...see you soon! xoxo

Nat did some quick shooting to show off our canvas collections! Really. The photos do these NO justice!

I remember Nat asking me if this was too much for her home? TOO MUCH!? Your home is the best and most beautiful place to EXPRESS you, your life, your *style* my opinion, most of use don't make this PERSONAL enough!

Labels: canvas, dog, ideas, life, lifestyle, Oakville, pets, style, summer