For those of you who REALLY know me. I have a serious book addiction. Serious. Online purchases of 10 books at a time, I sail through books like some people go through magazines. When I was younger, I silently wished the mall would close with me in it so I could stay in the bookstore...and READ! (I am such a nerd)
Reading, re-reading...recommended...gift cards to Amazon, sending books to family...friends. I thought I'd put this passion of mine to better use by sharing. To YOU.
soooo...of recent! here we go:
The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO (Robin Sharma)
Probably one of my favourite 'go to' reads when I need a pick me up! I love Robin Sharma's work. This fable is a story about love, life and business with so much great insight. It's funny how we all live on auto-pilot and yet the truth to lead a happy, fulfilled life is right there in front of us. Heart living can be uncomfortable, however it's authentic. We all need to step up to the greatness that lives within us all. The world needs you to be *YOU* (I've recommeded this to SO many people ...loved by all! And it's an easy read. I've read this about 4 times....)
Secrets of Six Figure Woman (Barbara Stanny)
Ladies. Need I say more?
Switch: How to Change when Change is Hard (Chip and Dan Heath)
Currently reading as I type...(well not at the same time!) but I don't want this book to end! Amazing! I had another expectation when reading this book so I was surprised. Chip and Dan really break down the difficulty of 'any' change, whether that be changing our diet, or business model, a community or even ourselves. I can speak from personal experience in the difficulties I find with 'change'. Getting overwhelmed because I often see the big picture. If we can follow the few steps and guidelines in this book ~ I think we can honestly, change anything.
Loving What Is (Byron Katie)
Funny how I came to read this book...and then re-read this book as it was part of of my required reading for my Yoga Training (coming soon!) with Radiantly Alive. This book changed me in so many ways...and still continues to do so. It's a lot to take in if you're not prepared to 'own your life'. The Four Questions that Katie offers us, allows us to take our thoughts and beliefs into 'inquiry'. Often the lives we've lived are a 'story' that we've created. Despite the fact these beliefs no longer serve us, we still hold onto them. By using The Work Katie encourages us to think about our thoughts differently...not an easy process but definitely an 'awakening' one.
Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul (Sharon Gannon and David Life)
Also a required text for yoga training...Loved this book. Staying true to the traditions of yoga this is a great read for beginners or advanced.
The Four Hour Workweek (Tim Ferriss)
In this book, Tim inspires you that you really CAN do anything you want...while living on your own terms!
The Leader Who Had No Title (Robin Sharma)
Just finished Robin's newest book. Another fable, easy read about leadership and life. We can ALL be leaders and actually all NEED to be leaders in this crazy world of change. Whether you're a janitor, stay at home mom or CEO of your company - the choice to lead is available to everyone. By leading, we create the opportunity for others to lead...everyone then showing up in the world at their absolute greatest. One of my favourite lines from the book..."victims see problems where leaders look for solutions".
Little Bee (Chris Cleave)
An amazing story...how two people can have such an effect on the lives of another. I really don't want to give the story away so just pick it up!
The Heart of Yoga (T. Desikacher)
Yoga transformed my life. And continues to do so. When we slow down and really start to pay attention to ourselves (while a scary process at times!) it opens us up to change and transformation. Awareness allows for possibility. Creating a practice of yoga that is good 'where we are standing' we learn to judge less, love more and move beyond our own limitations.
Forces of Nature (Laird Hamilton)
Shouldn't surprise me that the life of a world renown surfer would be so holistic and down to earth...but it did. I love Laird's attitude and philosophies about life, opening up to his experiences, how he lives, his family and of course...surfing. This is such a great book for anyone looking for inspiration around mind/body and spirit (not to mention some great workouts you can do ANYWHERE!) abs here I come!!!
*The above books have links to my
Amazon site! Be sure to purchase your books through me (and keep feeding this addiction I have) ...and yes...I HAVE read all those books!!!
You're the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read ~ Charlie Jones
Labels: books, learning