the thief of joy.

I think it's easy for most to assume that I'm positive and so 'full of light'...
That I was born this way. I agree. I think we all are.
And then everything changes. Life changes us...
It always floors me when people question why I eat so healthy or am going to the gym, often saying "like YOU need to go to the gym."
Ummm...a garden doesn't grow itself,  nor does a cathedral build itself.
Becoming the absolute best person you WERE BORN TO BE, unfortunately (fortunately!) requires work. And a lot of it.
May I remind you I was chubby as a kid and the pain DROVE me to one of the biggest passions of my life. 
My whole life I have defaulted to negative, complaining and always wanting something 'other' than what I had. Thinking that once I had that thing, that person, that would be 'different'.
Different than what?
Different than the way things were...right now. yeaaaaaa right.
Think of an elastic band. And where it naturally is just being all it's elastic band-ness. Like all loose ya know. Then imagine stretching that elastic band a little further, and let's pretend it's somewhere you THINK you want to be. In that stretch is tension. (well helloooo stress and anxiety.)
Now, that's not to say...give up goals and dreams and wanting...
What I do recommend is giving up THINKING you know what you're life is supposed to look like and that something other than 'what is' is going to change how you feel.
Searching to fulfill something, you might as well jump on the hamster wheel.
I can attest that that's one cycle of a ride. Pass on the woodchips thanks.
While you chase what you THINK you want, you miss what you're already given.
Full on gratitude to what's right in front of you, allowing what you have to be enough.
Gives you MORE -- than you could possibly imagine.

This ain't easy. It's a daily practice for me.
I am constantly comparing myself to other business people (thinking that I should be further ahead in my business, making more money .....etc.) Comparing my life to other peoples (looking all white picket fence on Facebook minus the picket fences...maybe they're more like electric fences! Cuz really Farcebook?) Comparing my body and health to what and where I THINK it should be...
Shit. In all that thinking and comparing, where the funk do you just get to be blissfully joyful and radically accepting of everything that is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.
You don't.
And could I possibly THINK I know what's best for me when I can't even appreciate all that's in FRONT OF ME??

You are enough, where you are.
Everything that's been GIVEN to you in this moment is a blessing and an opportunity to truly be joyful and happy.
So much more will come when what you have is enough...
The life you keep imagining doesn't come close to the one that is waiting for you.

gratitude and so much love...
jodi xo

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gypsy update

Hi. I'm back.
Although the photo above makes it look like I've gone to the moon...or heaven? Or both! I've not fallen off the face of the earth. I've just made things ridiculously more challenging to...write.
Rewind to January 22nd (not as far back as 1978 because that's just not necessary. Like waaay overdue babe, ahem 10 lbs. 12 oz. yea. hi. We'll leave that alone.) Although a time machine to the 70's may be quite adventurous.
We'll just stick to a little over a month ago shall we?
Not a mid-life crisis...hardly! More like a mild melt down over the cue'd family version of "happy birthday". And that's where my brother (my new guru) comes in and sweeps me into a tale of...well.
Blatant honesty. Big BIG fan.
It's much like that too-tight, awesome pair of jeans you know you want to fit into however, to make them look comfortable, more importantly FEEL comfortable, there's a bit of work to be done. healthier and perhaps hit the gym.
Oh the realities of making changes means SOMETHING'S gotta change!
Something had to change.
So I listed my condo. Seriously. (the un-serious version is the free kijiji ad that you just keep renewing after it reaches it's shelf life) No. I went for front page listing, paid and all that jazz...then jumped on a plane to Calgary.
The west embraced me with a chinook (yay!) and a 3 day migraine (NO!)
Hello junk aka "Stuff" I had not seen for over a year that whilst 'taking a peek' decided I MUST keep...obviously most of these things had a spine.
No not humans tucked away in Rubbermaid containers you sickos! Books. BOOKS! obviously books.
And wouldn't you know it! While on the almost other side of the country, an onslaught of very interested renters were...looking for a home. One very interested renter that wanted my condo THAT FOLLOWING WEEK!
So to make a long story short...
Rented my condo, moved out in 48 hours.
Am living amongst chaos.
Am loving chaos.
It actually inspires me.
More importantly I FEEL so much better.
The last 4-6 months, probably more in the last 2 weeks I'm reminded again of something so simple:
We actually don't need what we think we do to make ourselves happy.  To feel good.
Everyone said I needed to live least for awhile. Some said min. a year.
I pictured this brand new condo, all sleek...I mean the inside was SO me...
Others said "be grateful"...if you can't make it work there, you'll never be happy anywhere.
I think that's all horse-shit to be quite frank.
NO ONE can come close to offering you the truth of your own experience. You must trust yourself enough to KNOW...what you need, where to go...
Admittedly I came to realize that I often am driven to doing things, and buying things - even my first home purchase?? (kinda big...yea...) motivated more by how it LOOKS vs. how am I going to feel? And what I truly truly need to be happy...
So, a new journey begins! and here's the recap on the westerly adventure...
Chaos. In the mountains. Seems life has a plan all of it's own and when you surrender to the magic of wearing the wrong shoes in the mountains and freezin your buns off = hilarious 10 minute photo journey, just like you envisioned and better! ...
Jennifer and Waylon reminding me...good friends are priceless, loyalty is rare and unconditional love is all you EVER need.
Surprise! imagine never seeing your own work on display! Moksha Yoga Calgary (in the heart of aspen) is like walking into an art gallery in which, well...I'm the featured artist. Humbled. And a wee bit mind-blowing.
Such a great LIFE and LOVE-filled display. It totally makes sense to have these hanging there...

A kind of dream come true in so many different ways.

Do I even need to say anything? Jen and I are eating dinner at one of the trendiest and awesomest (yea that's my word) resto's in Calgary. Una Pizza + Wine mixes my all time two favourite food loves! Pizza and wine. Okay...maybe more than two. Hello? Prosciutto wrapped dates?? Kale and TRUFFLE OIL! 
You will NOT fail at anything pouring your authentic self into what you do. From the music to the art to the space and well the food. Brilliant, authentic = success.
the world needs more of this...(pizza and wine included).
Forever grateful for the people in my life that refer me to even more great people.
My business sustains itself almost entirely on word of mouth and referrals, not to mention "we are the company we keep" chances are if WE get along, you refer me to someone else you's a good pairing! While this session had many
challenges for me, I am blessed. Work,, is easy when it's 'easy''s WHO are we when it's not so easy. And how we overcome...

So there you have my gypsy update.
I have landed back in town. Not for long however!
Jet-setting down south to a Dreamy holiday that's loooooong overdue.
And in the meantime, I will be expanding on some of these sessions (above).
So more pics, more love! ramblings...
to COME!
gypsy lovin...xo
jodi renée

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