The company you keep.
AKA. Your tribe.
Do they lift you up? support you? empower and encourage you?
Can you tell them anything and everything and KNOW for CERTAIN there is a space they hold for you?
To be...
Gloriously raw, authentically vulnerable...
Pissed off, sometimes off the cuff, often emotional and unapologetically YOU?
Without...Taking it personally, passing judgment...or making it about them them?
At every opportunity we have the ability to 'show up' for the people in our lives. Our tribe.
Aren't relationships THE most important thing?
There is a misconception that full blown honesty is rude/harsh and yet is REQUIRED for you to show up and fully be present (and juicy!) in your relationships.
It's often our own fear of how to respond that keeps us from 'going there'...
It's not enough to be the cheerleader (rah rah you can do it! those jeans don't make you look fat! I love your mother! good for you for staying in that horrible relationship!)
We need Champions.
Sans sugar coating.
Motivated by love...
That can get uncomfortable. Hard to hear.
Emotional...and down right dirty.
Champions have your best interest at heart...SEEING the greatest potential IN you and FOR you.
They show up, putting themselves out there...
And run the risk of severing the friendship ties...
That obviously don't bind IF:
you can't SEE them enough to know their intentions.
It's not a surprise we all like the juicy peaches.
Partly BECAUSE they're messy.
There is so much juice to be squeezed...
outta life, love and all your relationships.
The messes can be cleaned up.
Dried up peaches are just not the same (...you can't even get close to the pit!)
from the peach pit and beyond...xo
jodi renée
Labels: connection, inspiration, peach, relationships