begin again...

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again ~ Flavia Weedn

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I absolutely love BC and it felt amazing to be back in Victoria. My unbelievable hosts (I'll write more about that in the next post) and SO many authentic restaurants, cafes, boutiques etc. Not to mention...nature.
Revitalizes the mind and nourishes the soul.
Inspiration overfloweth when walking the streets of downtown Victoria. Each business no matter what they're selling exudes the personality and authenticity of the owner. There's a confidence, passion and story that every person shares while working. A belief in the 'work' they do. I want a little part of that...
I want a lot of that. Made me reflect on how conservative we are here out East.
If we boldly step into who we are and what we believe in then...THAT sells.
We can incorporate ALL that we are in ALL that we do.
Cuz that's real...
That's magnetic.

Here's some gems I came across...
Pagliacci's Italian Restaurant -- this restaurant has been around forever and is still packed ALL THE TIME! amazing energy and ambiance. GREAT food!
(admittedly I indulged in the white bread -- highly addictive)
Skanda -- hello amazing jewelry and metal making, bead threading goddesses! my only concern was walking out over-adorned that even possible?
Outsite Indesign -- Modern organic design for the home. I LOVED this store...and the philosophies behind it all. Design in it's natural, simple form is ...beautiful.

...this is just some quick pics I took with my Blackberry.

Stumbled upon Rebar Modern Food ...
You can pick up their fabulous cookbook on Amazon.
Because the food is not only unbelievably rock-star healthy for's AMAZING!
I know when I travel it's challenging for me to keep up with the same eating routine. Staying with other people or not being able to access my lovely dependable green goods, I'm usually at a lack for ...well...Green! The kale, beet, carrot and celery elixir was just what I needed to re-fuel and the quinoa was...decadent! (can you tell I'm a lover of all green godly things for my God Pod? ...that would be my body...thanks Crazy, Sexy Kriss Carr!) Yep. That book is a bible you also need pick up!
...pretty much sums it up?

We toured to the beautiful Chinese cemetery at Harling Point. The Chinese believing that even Feng shui can apply to burial sites and this particular site is a privileged site combining natural elements while capturing the vital forces (good luck for the deceased and their descendants!) Luck while you're dead?!! It's tough enough getting it while you're alive!
Walking towards the water we came upon this algae infested tide-pool. Me loves me some cool green algae! I think it's amazing when kids can become curious about so much that lives 'with' us and around us. The west has no shortage of of things to explore that's for sure.
At first when I looked into the water, all I saw was this face!
Kinda ghostly...very creepy. So bizarre to think a whole other world lives beneath the surface. I now wish I had of kept the first photo I took of him. Too creeped out even having it on my phone I deleted it.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G wind down the day with The Show! A breath of fresh air wine that's a lil on the adventurous side. Very tasty...
And often hard to find the delicious wines I sample out West here in Ontario. If you pick this one up, let me know where you found it! (or you can just send me a bottle...or 3. Ok. A case works too!)
jodi renée

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watermelon delight...stay cool!

Embracing otherness, embracing myself :: Thandie Newton on TED talk

...beyond inspiring

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an incredible family that I've been blessed to work with for years...
they are such happy, full of life people, beyond grateful for their dynamic duo!
the boys know how to keep me on my toes.
I love this insanity...
jodi renée

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Summer Smoothie | Berry Belly Blast Off!

This yummy smoothie is packed with digestive greatness. It's of the utmost importance to keep things moving along and out, while creating a clean and healthy flora-full gut! (that sustains a healthy immune system)
Absorption of nutrients comes from a healthy digestive system which can be achieved by drinking plenty of water, eating foods rich in fibre, dense in nutrients, and including daily probiotics (pro=FOR, biotic=LIFE)
Also recommended? Dial down and manage any stress. Stress can be the cause of many digestive concerns ...I get uber bloated when stressed.
Your 'gut' really is trying to tell you something!

Summer Smoothie | Berry Belly Blast Off!
1 scoop chocolate Vega Protein by Sequel
1 scoop natural Sun Warrior Protein
1/4 tsp of ChlorEssence by Sequel
1/4 tsp of Probiotics
1 cup of water
1 cup of fresh (I freeze'm fresh and use them right away so they're fruit-cubes of smoothie goodness!) blueberries, blackberries...whateva you're belly desires. I prefer to use the darker berries that are rich in antioxidants.
Banana optional...
A handful of spinach is up to you...(and seriously kicks this up a notch!)
love. A must!

Let me know if you have any questions about the above products I have recommended or the recipe.
And seriously ...blast off?
You're in good hands.
health is yours!
love xo
jodi renée

Follow me on Facebook!

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avocado on toast = simply delicious

Must be the weather...head feelin foggy. Then it's to the salty carbs I go!
Here's some healthy fuel for those cravings...
*chunky rustic bread. toasted
*lots O avocado. generously spread
*sea salt. sprinkled
bon appetite! ...xo
jodi renée

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shut up. show up. LISTEN {the art of conversation} Yes it's back to the basics

My time is valuable and YOU are important to me.
So I want to savour my time and focus on what I need to do to get to where I'm going
So that when I'm in front of you, or on the phone. I can give you ...all of me.
Or what's the point?
half ass friendships? and mediocre relationships?
How we do one thing is how we do everything.
And I want to 'show up'
for me.
And then for the people in my life.
I want to give ME all of my focus, time and commitment
so that I can give YOU the same.

Communication and's a part of who I am. It's in all of us to want to connect.
I recently finished the book "Fierce Conversations" in which Susan Scott brilliant states:
"The conversation IS the relationship"

How profound...
And sadly...REAL conversation is what most of us are avoiding.
Real communication is about hearing what the other is NOT saying just as much, if not more, than what is being said.
True listening.
Meaningful conversations.
(annnd yea...the ones that change people, often come jam packed with discomfort...) Woo!

You can use the excuse that we live in a technology world and that's life.
You've also just defined what's important to you.
and who's not.
The most valuable and precious thing you can give someone is ...your time
Your focused and attentive...curious and caring TIME.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel ~ Maya Angelou

I recently ran with a friend of mine who chatted the whole time...
everyone else.
Not inspiring and uplifting chat either. Toxic gossip.
I felt like I was running live stream with Entertainment Tonight.
On the phone with a friend who replied "oh that sucks" ...however if she was listening, would have replied "that's awesome!"
Or how about the two of you that sit there on your phones all night...texting.
Talking/typing to everyone else and not each other.

When was the last time you truly listened to someone?
Without interruption? Without interjecting your own story?
Without constantly checking your phone?
When was the last time you walked away from a conversation feeling empowered, changed...inspired?
Do you only send birthday wishes on Facebook or do you send a card in the mail?
When life changes are happening to those that mean the most to you -- do you Blackberry message them or actually pick up the phone to say "What goes on in your life is important to me. I'm taking the time to give you the most important thing I have time."

I believe it's so easy to make people feel important.
It's really as simple as giving them ...your time.

A leader, successful business CEO, champion of anything...and a true friend cannot get excellent results by 'half assing'.
Great and successful anything requires ALL OF YOU.

So if you want to have amazing friends, and unbelievably successful relationships.
BE that amazing...
Shut up.
Show up
(and once in a while pay homage to Alexander Graham know? the phone! And here's another tip...there's a good ROI when you shut your Blackberry off for date night fellas! heeey!)

love ...jodi renée

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