Published Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by jodi renee.
I'm so excited to announce the new kids albums! Check out the photos below, however they give these stunning brag books no have to see them to absolutely adore them!

Published Thursday, July 13, 2006 by jodi renee.
Alot of people are asking about my wedding stuff and since my website is not done yet (a slower process than I'd like!)...I thought that I'd post some stuff here for the next couple of days! Here's a collection of photos that I put together of Jenn and Nick from their wedding in February...
A sample thank you card that I created below from Holly and Jonathan's wedding in Stratford in March...!!!
Published Thursday, July 06, 2006 by jodi renee.
In loving memory of Dianna...

I am only reassured by the extended hands that have reached down from the heavens to embrace you. I believe that you are in a better be free, release your spirit and fly...
In the butterfly garden you are all so beautiful...I miss you all and think of you often. I know she is safe with you...
Love and prayers always...Jodi
*Dianna was Toronto's latest homicide in Toronto on July 5th, 2006. PLEASE let's STOP gun violence!'s already too late...
Published Sunday, July 02, 2006 by jodi renee.
Happy One Year Life With Kids! Please check them out online: as they are a wonderful online forum filled with so much great information! If you're a parent in the local area it's a great place to find 'anything' and be in touch with other parents in your community! As part of their birthday celebration, they are offering a big present ~ services from a local spa...AND a kids sitting for photos with ME! Please check it out online and enter for your chance to win! Pass the news along and check the site often for news and events!