Food isn't just about nutrition that supports and nourishes the body. The road to great living, leading and being a champion at anything is about 'mental fitness'. Feeding the body optimal foods to clear a path for your best thinking AND, feeding the mind the fuel to stimulate growth and expansion.
Coffee and the morning news? = ANXIETY
A breakfast of body love, mind love? = SUCCESS
Follow the recipe below...
*Bob's Red Mill Organic
Kamut Cereal (cooked according to directions on the package. And I'm still practicing the fine art of NOT boiling over these cereals while cooking stove-top) You could also use any of the other grain cereals or just grains (rice, quinoa, buckwheat...etc.)
*Scoop your serving size into a bowl and drown in a 1/2 cup of unsweetened
almond milk. No sugar added in this baby and the almonds naturally give off some of their sweet-nass. Let's leave the cow's milk for the baby cows...I think the design was brilliant that way. Ever wonder why so many people are lactose intolerant? I'm sure the cows would be a lot intolerant to our milk too.
Dairy consumption can also be linked to ...allergies, eczema, asthma, arthritis, inflammation, zits and weird rashes!
Anyhoo...back on track here before I get into the really gross stuff and then the segue into jam will be really tough!
*Jam! home-made, organic...sweet JAM! Paying a little homage to my roots with some Partridge Berry jam. Super tart, super yummy. Dollop a little on top of the Pharaoh's sinking Kamut (yes! the grain dates that far back! And once you're recharged on this ancient grain you might be energized enough to build your own pyramid!) Don't say I didn't warn you...
Bon Appetite!
Books. Books. and more Books! It's no secret that I'm a geek still rocking my library card (hello? it's free education people!)
Probably more important for me than feeding the body good nutrition is the fuel that I feed my mind.
The start of your day should empower you, inspire you and encourage you. I can't stress the importance of making sure you fuel BOTH your body and your mind as you start your day.
The above book 'cue' is currently what I've read, am reading or about to read. A nice blend of business, self development, spiritual awakening and pure enjoyment.
Crazy, Sexy Diet -
FOOD and LIFE BIBLE. Buy a copy and own a copy. Kriss Carr illuminates how to live your crazy, sexy potential by becoming a warrior for your own health, blissful in your own skin with a by-product of awesomeness for the rest of the world.
The Thank you Economy - need I say more? We are uber connected and disconnected at the same time. Businesses have a great opportunity, more so than ever, to speak directly to their people.
Life/business is all about 'relationships' and Gary V is a master at using social media to it's fullest to both jump-start or kick-start AND maintain super biz success.
Fierce Conversations -
conversation IS the relationship. Enough said. There are always conversations AKA communications that you need to have with others and more importantly yourself to move ahead to the next level, get you out of a rut and remove the barriers from your life. What conversations are you having? OR...what conversations are you not...
The Purpose Driven Life - Wonderful changes begin to happen when you
live your life on Purpose. Thanks Rick for the reminder of what's important. Get off auto-pilot folks! Who's life are you living anyways?
The Happiness Project - Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Yes! Are you feelin my theme here? :)
I'm still reading the other three and will write a review for each when I'm done!
What are you currently fueling your body and mind with? and does it clear an abundant life for health, happiness and success?
Let me know if you have any questions, I'd love to help! and did you find my ramblings beneficial? Let me know on my
Facebook Fanpage!here's to health, happy and success!
jodi renée
Labels: books, food, health, inspiration, nutrition, recipe